Many patients ignore ear and hearing problems due to embarrassment or by minimizing the importance of the issue. But ear conditions like tinnitus can cause a major strain on a patient's lifestyle and possibly cause permanent hearing loss. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 40 million American adults are struggling with hearing issues and many are in denial. Get diagnosed and treated for tinnitus by ENT doctor Dr. Andrew Parker at Parker Audiology & Hearing Aid Center in Norwalk, CT.

Tinnitus Causes

Tinnitus is a persistent abnormal sound in the ears that is caused by damage or inflammation of the inner ear. Though it seems like the sound is from the ears, it is actually coming from the auditory cortex, which is located in the brain. Patients who are exposed to loud noises at close distances for extended periods of time are most susceptible to developing tinnitus. It could also be related to other conditions like high blood pressure, thyroid disorders or Ménière’s disease. Patients who have had untreated or frequent ear infections as children may also be more likely to develop tinnitus.

Symptoms of Tinnitus and Diagnosis

Some patients describe tinnitus as a ringing or monotone sound coming from inside the ear. In addition to the disruptive noise, patients may also experience headaches, pain in the ear, dizziness and reduce hearing ability. A Norwalk, CT, ENT can diagnose tinnitus with a visual check, audiology exam and imaging tests.

How an ENT Can Treat Tinnitus

Your doctor must first diagnose the cause behind tinnitus before prescribing the best treatment plan. For instance, if an ear infection is the culprit you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. Here are some other ways that doctors can treat the symptoms of tinnitus:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Steroid medication.
  • Clearing blockages.
  • Hearing aids.
  • Sound therapy.
  • Ear surgery to repair cartilage or bone damage.

Protect Your Ear Health

Your hearing is the sense that helps you navigate a world full of sounds. Protect your ear health with the help of an ENT. If you believe you may be struggling with tinnitus, call (203) 866-4327 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrew Parker at Parker Audiology & Hearing Aid Center in Norwalk, CT.


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